Source code for nosedbreport.sqlite

import optparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from base import NoseDBReporterBase

__author__ = "Ali-Akber Saifee"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Ali-Akber Saifee"

[docs]class NoseSQLiteReporter(NoseDBReporterBase): """ SQLLite Connector. Reports the results of each test run into the tables ``testcase``, ``testsuite``,``testcaseexecution`` and ``testsuiteexecution`` """ name = "nosedbreport" run_insert_query = """ insert into testcaseexecution (testcase, startTime, timeTaken, status, traceback, suiteexecution) values ('%(testcase)s', '%(startTime)s', '%(timeTaken)s', '%(status)s', '%(traceback)s', %(suiteexecution)d); """ case_start_query = """ replace into testcase values('%(id)s', '%(name)s', '%(description)s', '%(suite)s', '%(lastStarted)s', 0) """ suite_start_query = """ replace into testsuite (name, lastStarted) values('%(suite)s', '%(lastStarted)s') """ suite_complete_query = """ replace into testsuite (name, lastCompleted) values('%(suite)s', '%(lastCompleted)s'); """ suiteexecution_complete_query = """ insert into testsuiteexecution (suite, startTime, endTime) values ('%(suite)s', '%(startTime)s', '%(lastCompleted)s'); """ case_complete_query = """ update testcase set lastCompleted = '%(lastCompleted)s'; """ def __init__(self): NoseDBReporterBase.__init__(self) def __execute_query(self, query, args): """ helper method to execute a sqlite query and commit the result. :param query: the query to execute :param args: variable length argument list used to format ``query`` """ # santize quotes. for k,v in args.items(): if type(v) == type("string"): args[k] = v.replace("'","''") ret = 0 try: import sqlite3 cursor = self.connection.cursor() ret = cursor.execute( query % args ) self.connection.commit() except sqlite3.ProgrammingError, e: self.logger.error ( "failed to execute query with error: %s" % str(e[1])) except Exception, e: self.logger.error ("unknown error executing query %s: %s" % (query % args , str(e))) return ret
[docs] def configure(self, options, conf): """ sets up the sqlite database connection """ import sqlite3 try: self.connection = sqlite3.connect( options.dbreport_db ) except ImportError, e: self.enabled = False self.logger.error ("The sqlite3 module is required for nosedbreporter to work with sqlite") except sqlite3.OperationalError, e: self.enabled = False self.logger.error (e)
[docs] def report(self, stream): """ After successful completion of a nose run, perform the final reporting of the test results to the sqlite database. """ if self.connection: results = self.test_case_results suiteexecids={} for suite in self.test_suites: suite_update = { "suite" : suite, "startTime" : self.start_time, "lastCompleted" : self.test_suites[suite]["lastCompleted"] } self.__execute_query(self.suite_complete_query, suite_update) self.__execute_query(self.suiteexecution_complete_query, suite_update) # get the suiteexecution id now. cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute (""" select id from testsuiteexecution where suite='%(suite)s' and startTime='%(startTime)s' and endTime='%(lastCompleted)s' """ % suite_update) suiteexecids[suite] = cur.fetchone()[0] for case in results: case_update = { "id":case, "name":results[case]["name"], "description":results[case]["description"], "suite":results[case]["suite"], "lastStarted":results[case]["lastStarted"], "lastCompleted":( datetime.strptime(results[case]["lastStarted"], self.time_fmt) + timedelta(seconds=results[case]["timeTaken"]) ).strftime(self.time_fmt) } run_update = { "testcase":case, "suite":results[case]["suite"], "suiteexecution":suiteexecids[results[case]["suite"]], "startTime":results[case]["lastStarted"], "timeTaken":results[case]["timeTaken"], "status":results[case]["status"], "traceback":results[case]["traceback"] } self.__execute_query(self.case_complete_query, case_update) self.__execute_query(self.run_insert_query, run_update)
[docs] def startTest(self, test): """ record initiation of a test case (``test``). Update the last start time of the test suite & test case. """ if self.connection: description = self.get_full_doc(test) test_id = file_path, suite, case = test.address() case_update = { "id":test_id, "name":case, "description":description, "suite":suite, "lastStarted":NoseDBReporterBase.time_now() } suite_update = { "suite":suite, "lastStarted":NoseDBReporterBase.time_now() } self.__execute_query(self.suite_start_query, suite_update) self.__execute_query(self.case_start_query, case_update) super(NoseSQLiteReporter, self).startTest(test)
[docs] def construct_schema(self): """ called when the `--dbreport_create_schema` command option is passed to the plugin to create the sqlite table schema. """ testcase_schema = """ CREATE TABLE testcase( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, description TEXT, suite TEXT, lastStarted TEXT, lastCompleted TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(suite) REFERENCES testsuite(name) )""" testsuite_schema = """ CREATE TABLE testsuite( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, lastStarted TEXT, lastCompleted TEXT ) """ testcaseexecution_schema = """ CREATE TABLE testcaseexecution ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, testcase TEXT, suiteexecution INTEGER, startTime TEXT, timeTaken REAL, status TEXT, traceback TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(testcase) REFERENCES testcase(id), FOREIGN KEY(suiteexecution) REFERENCES testsuiteexecution(id) ) """ testsuiteexecution_schema = """ CREATE TABLE `testsuiteexecution` ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, suite TEXT, startTime TEXT, endTime TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(suite) REFERENCES testsuite(name) ) """ indices = ["CREATE INDEX idx_name on testcase(name)", "CREATE INDEX tc_idx_suite on testcase(suite)", "CREATE INDEX ts_idx_name on testsuite(name)", "CREATE INDEX tce_idx_status on testcaseexecution(status)", "CREATE INDEX tce_idx_testcase on testcaseexecution(testcase)", "CREATE INDEX tce_idx_suiteexecution on testcaseexecution(suiteexecution)", "CREATE INDEX tse_idx_start on testsuiteexecution(startTime)", "CREATE INDEX tse_idx_end on testsuiteexecution(endTime)"] if self.connection: cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute ( testsuite_schema ) cursor.execute ( testcase_schema ) cursor.execute ( testsuiteexecution_schema ) cursor.execute ( testcaseexecution_schema ) for index in indices: cursor.execute ( index ) return True else: self.logger.error("Unable to setup scheme due to mysql configuration error") return False